Find us on XLX317 (YSF), REF317 (use Module B), XRF317, DCS317
Part of the family of digital reflectors/talkgroups (scroll down for details)
Open to all licensed amateurs. Ragchew welcome!
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
QRZ - The ultimate amateur radio database and information center.
Echolink - Software that allows licensed amateur radio stations to communicate online. I am Node 245045.
openSPOT 4 Pro - This is the hotspot I use to access most digital modes. I highly recommend it. Read the instructions here. The video below is a great introduction: - Get your ID so you can get on DMR!
BrandMeister Network - More DMR fun!
TGIF Network - Even more DMR fun, and my preferred system.
DroidStar - this free Android app allows the use of digital modes without an HT or hotspot. I highly recommend it. There are numerous ways to access DroidStar. I have linked the app from the Google Play Store. See below for other resources.
WW4SC - Please look at Joe's QRZ page for instructions on his recommended build for DroidStar. This does not involve downloading an app from the Play Store. - a handy resource for vocoder and other Droidstar files. - This is an excellent instructional video on setting up DroidStar. Please note: this video demonstrates downloading a vocoder. If WW4SC's build is used, there is no need to download a vocoder.
***NEW BUILD: VU3LVO's version is the best yet! Click here.
DroidStar 1717 International Tech Network - In mid-2024, I met two other amateurs on AmericaLink. Together, we founded the Droidstar 1717 International Tech Network. We are a group centered around the Droidstar application; however, we have incorporated the use of EchoLink, Allstar, and hotspots.
Join our Facebook Group!
Please join our weekly DroidStar Tech Net every Sunday at 9:00 PM (E)/8:00 PM (C).
Net is on TGIF Talk Group 1717 and crosslinked to Echolink Node 274677 (WW4SC-L) and Allstar Node 616491. - a terrific source for Ham radio training and test prep!
Signal Stuff - support by purchasing high-quality antennas.
East Coast Reflector - This reflector "connects the world through amateur radio." Licensed amateurs can access this reflector from local repeaters, IRLP, Echolink, and all nearly digital modes. Using this reflector will allow the user to speak to a very wide audience.
M17 Project - M17 is a community of open-source developers and radio enthusiasts. We're building understandable systems in support of the hackers' and experimenters' history of ham radio.
Indianapolis Repeater Association (W9IRA) - A local repeater association of which I am a member.
The Indianapolis Radio Club - Established in 1914, IRC is the premier radio club in Indianapolis. I became a member in 2024.
N9TAX Labs - Your source for quality antennas. I use a 2M/70cm slim jim on my porch and access repeaters from many miles away! Hoosier made.
All About Ham Radio - A Boy Scout's ham radio page, with a brief history of the hobby - and a much better links page than mine!
Zello - Not Ham radio, but a very cool PTT over VOIP! Available for iOS and Android. Be sure to search for our group, DroidStar.
My Writing:
"A Bon Vivant is Never Bored" - A published essay I wrote at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Twighlight Prevails: A Late Summer's Poem" - A published poem, originally written in 2011.
"Alone in the Sea" - My recounting of being stranded in the Caribbean Sea on December 31, 2009.
Yelp - I've written over 450 reviews throughout North America, Europe, and Asia - and I spent more than a decade on the Yelp Elite Squad. I retired from review writing in 2023.
YouTube: My personal page (mpfeldma) - Travel videos, Bluegrass concerts - not monetized and very amateur.
© 2024 Mike Feldman. All rights reserved